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Exposure time - Bärbel Brantner

Exposure time


The exposure time, a key aspect in the world of photography, describes the period of time during which the shutter of a camera remains opento allow light to reach the light-sensitive medium - be it a digital sensor or analogue film. This period of time determines the amount of light that is captured and plays a decisive role in the composition and quality of the resulting image. It is typically specified in seconds or fractions of a second, for example 1/125 seconds or 2 seconds.

In combination with the Aperture and the ISO-setting (light sensitivity), the exposure time forms the basis for the exposure of a photo. The interaction of these three elements determines how bright or dark an image becomes. While the exposure time controls the duration of the light exposure, the aperture regulates the size of the opening through which the light hits the medium. The ISO setting in turn determines the sensitivity of the medium to the incident light. These three components are closely linked; a change in one area often requires adjustments in the others to achieve the desired exposure.

The choice of exposure time has a direct influence on the representation of movement in the image. Long exposure times, which make movement appear blurred, are often used to convey a sense of dynamism or flow, such as the gentle flow of water in a creek. Such techniques can give a shot an almost magical or dreamy quality. In contrast short exposure times make it possible to "freeze" fast movements, a technique that is particularly popular in sports and animal photography in order to capture a precise moment in time.

However, the use of longer exposure times harbours the risk of blurring, due to both the movement of the subject and unintentional camera movements. To avoid this and to ensure the sharpness of the image, the use of a Tripods or another stable support is often essential. A tripod allows the photographer to hold the camera completely still while the shutter is open, which is particularly important in low light conditions or when shooting at night.

Creative control over exposure time opens up a world of possibilities for photographers, from creating soft, painterly images to documenting high-speed action with breathtaking clarity. By experimenting with different exposure times, photographers can not only master the technical aspects of photography, but also develop their personal style and artistic vision.

To summarise, exposure time is a fundamental element of photographic practice that is closely linked to aperture and ISO. The deliberate choice of exposure time enables photographers to paint with light, capture or blur movement and thus significantly influence the mood and message of an image. Like a brush in the hand of a painter, the mastery of exposure time is a crucial tool in the creative armoury of every photographer.

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