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Vienna - Bärbel Brantner
27.07.2024 - 001 20090522 031519



Vienna, the city of music, art and magnificent architecture, is not only my home city, but also a place that tells stories in every nook and cranny. 

The city is known for its clean air and excellent water quality, aspects that further emphasise its high quality of life.

I appreciate the beauty of this city, which not only impresses with its architectural quality, but also with its cultural diversity and quality of life.

Vienna from above and historical insights

A view from one of the high-rise buildings in the south of the city shows a panorama with St. Stephen's Cathedral in the centre and a view of the Marchfeld to the north.

Neugebäude Palace, an architectural masterpiece of Mannerism, is located in Vienna's 11th district of Simmering. The complex was built by Emperor Maximilian II and originally served as a hunting lodge and pleasure garden.

Legend has it that the castle was built on the site where the camp of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent had stood during the First Turkish Siege of Vienna in 1529. This historical reference lent the building additional symbolic significance. 

The palace complex, whose construction began in 1569, fascinated visitors with its quadrangular inner and outer gardens, surrounded by arcades and massive towers, as well as its rich flora and fauna.

The completion of the palace saw numerous interruptions and was only continued under Rudolf II, Maximilian's son, with the final completion of the magnificent summer residence only being achieved towards the end of the 16th century. Despite later military use and temporary decay, Neugebäude Palace remains an important monument to Viennese history and the cultural heritage of the Renaissance.

The sphinx statues in the Belvedere-gardens in Vienna are a fascinating example of Baroque garden art, symbolising wisdom and strength. They were inspired by Egyptian models, in particular those of the Giza necropolis. These mythical creatures, with the body of a lion and the head of a woman, guard the magnificent Belvedere Palace and lend the garden an atmospheric depth and historical resonance.

A walk through Vienna

On a fresh spring day, I started my tour at Stephansplatz, the geographical and cultural heart of Vienna. The square is named after St Stephen's Cathedral, a Gothic masterpiece that is considered the symbol of the city.

Of churches, emperors and coffee houses

Just a few steps away is St Peter's Church, an example of Baroque splendour whose opulent interior attracts visitors from all over the world. The route took me further along the Graben, one of Vienna's most exclusive shopping streets, famous for its plague column - the Trinity Column, which was erected at the end of the 17th century in thanksgiving for surviving the plague epidemic.

Heldenplatz, framed by the Neue Hofburg, is a place that breathes Austrian history. This expansive square has witnessed many historical events, including Hitler's infamous speech in 1938.

Cultural diversity in the Spittelberg neighbourhood

The Spittelberg district, known for its Biedermeier architecture, offers a colourful mix of artisan shops, cafés and restaurants.

Passage-houses - Vienna's hidden passageways

Another highlight of my tour was the passageway from Neustiftgasse to Lerchenfelder Straße. These passage-like courtyard passageways are typical of Vienna and connect streets in unexpected ways, often leading to picturesque courtyards.

My walk ended in Lange Gasse, where the oldest building in the 8th district, the Old Bakehouse and Palais Damian, are located.

Vienna is a city characterised not only by its beauty and charm, but also by its deep-rooted history and cultural diversity. Every corner and every building tells a story to be discovered. As a Viennese, I am proud to live in a city that, despite its modernity, honours and preserves the witnesses of its past. Vienna is not only a city to live in, but also to experience and love.

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